Welcome to my youth exchange blog! For the next year or so, I will be recording first the process of getting myself to Europe for youth exchange, then when I get there you'll get to hear all about my life in France! Or whatever country I end up in. I'm hoping for France, though. So, tune in and come along for the ride! It's going to be pretty wild, but lots of fun- and even more fun if I get to share it!
The first step to getting into my exchange program of choice, Rotary Club's International Youth Exchange, is to complete a one page form about yourself and send it in to your local Rotary Club. So, after sending in my application to the people at Rotary Youth Exchange, waiting to hear back from Rotary, scheduling an interview, having that interview postponed due to snow (which barely ever happens here) and having to wait what seemed like ages for the rescheduled interview to come 'round, I have finally completed my preliminary interview with my local Rotary club! I think it went very well, if I do say so myself. There's a lot of competition this year, seven applicants (most of them my friends, unfortunately), and only one spot, but I think I have as good a chance as any. Cross your fingers for me! I'll let you know when I hear back.